Immersive Intelligent Tutoring System for Remedial Learning Using Virtual Learning Environment
Bayesian knowledge tracing, Genetic algorithm, Immersive intelligent tutoring, Remedial learning, Virtual learning environmentAbstract
Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) has been widely used in supporting personal learning. However, there is an aspect that have not become focus in ITS, namely immersive. This research proposes an Immersive Intelligent Tutoring (IIT) model based on Bayesian Knowledge Tracing (BKT) for determining the learner’s characteristics and learning content delivery strategies using genetic algorithms. The model uses remedial learning with a faded worked-out example. This study uses a 3-Dimensional Virtual Learning Environment (3DMUVLE) that implements immersive features to increase intrinsic motivation. This model was built using a client / server architecture. The server-side component uses the MOODLE, the client-side component uses OpenSim and its viewers, and the middleware component uses the Simulation Linked Object Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment (SLOODLE). Model testing is performed on user acceptance using a combination of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Hedonic[1]Motivation System Adoption Model (HMSAM) and the impact of the model in learning using statistical test. The results showed 83% of the learners felt happy with the learning. Meanwhile, the evaluation of the impact on learning outcomes shows that the use of this model is significantly different from traditional learning.
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