Potential Biodiversity from Ethnozoology of Enggano Island: Utilization, Quantitative Analysis, List of Animals Conserved by Local People, and Application of Research Findings Empowering Species Literacy in Biology Student Teachers
Biology student teachers, Enggano Island, Enggano tribe, Ethnozoology, Quantitative ethnozoology, Ethnozoology textbook, Species literacyAbstract
This study aims to identify the utilization of animals, conduct an ethnozoology quantitative analysis, describe animal conservation by local people on Enggano Island, and apply the research results to empower species literacy in biology student teachers. Data collection in this study is in-depth semi-structured interviews, observations, participant observations, questionnaires, and tests. Based on the study results, 64 species of animals are used for ten categories. According to the quantitative analysis, Chelonia mydas has the highest CI index (1.071) and RFC index (1.00). Based on these indices, Chelonia mydas was identified as the most important species for local people in Enggano island. The ethnozoology textbook developed from the results of ethnozoology research on Enggano Island is valid, practical, and effective to can increase species literacy in biology student teachers. In the control class, the adjusted mean of species literacy was 63.91, while the adjusted mean of species literacy in the experimental class was 71.87.
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